Challenge: Building Anticipation During Live
To create a sense of excitement, we needed a simple, repeatable UX framework that could scale for the MVP yet keep members on there toes during the show. Member's vote should feel crucial and if they made the right choice, should be celebrated.
The UX looked at 6 key areas that were important to create a cohesive and scalable flow; Voter Set-Up, Voter Input, Voter Confirmation, Voter Editing, Voter Final Countdown, and Voting Reveal
Solution: Leveraging Motion. Lighting, & Timing
To create a sense of excitement, we looked at how progressive disclosure, lighting techniques, and delightful animation in unison can make every choices feel dire in the viewer's mind.
At every step of the experience, we included timers and content design to remind viewers that they do not want to miss out on participating in deciding the end result of their favorite contestants.