So About Anthony Crawford:

Experience Designer,  Brand Designer,  Gamer, UFC Lover & Fitness Enthusiast |  Location: Los Angeles, CA

HBO Here and Now Live Podcast Activation:

Agency: Cashmere Agency |  Project Type: Experiential

Hello. My name is Anthony Crawford. I am a freelance Experience Designer and Creative Director in the Greater Los Angeles. My superpower is collaborating with brands and startups to envision near-term or future-learning creative opportunities that accelerate growth through product innovation, brand expression, and digital experiences!

Working On Brands From Nettflix, Samsung, Nike, HBO, Adidas, Blavity, Disney Yellowshoes, and Paypal has propelled me to seek work that creates synergy between the culture and cool brands. Let say that I want to be your Pharrell on the team!

Reach Me At :


Phone: 901-871-7237

WorkingNotWorking: Check It Out Here

Linkedin: Check That, Out As Well!



Reach Me At:


Phone: 901-871-7237

WorkingNotWorking: Check It Out

Linkedin: Check That, Out As Well!